Sunday, July 20, 2008

Mission: Mt.Fuji--failed

So I tried to climb Mt.Fuji two nights ago--kinda failed. I have now discovered that I suffer from something called Altitude sickness. I got to the 3010 meters mark when A.the temperature dropped, head started aching and c. I started feeling sick. Needless to say I was escorted back down about 2 stations to relax adn watch the sun rise off Mt.Fuji from there.

i am currently in Tokyo staying at a hotel in Ueno which is about a block from the station--I had a great time today running around and getting some omiyage (souvenirs for friends and family). we went to Asakusa which is a huge folk art and temple complex followed by a fishermans area for lunch (sashimi rice bowl--yum). After than it was a quick walk to Ginza where I listened to a jazz band play on the street before training it back tot he hotel to drop stuff off. I met up with a group of IJST students in daiba and watched the sun set on the tokyo bay before eating american food at a department store called aqua city, more window shopping was done before I returned to Ueno and am now about to start watching Lilo and Stitch which Zander just bought at the disney store--tomorrow is tokyo tower and shinjuku (harajuku too!) before heading out to an overngiht train to Hiroshima. :) I would like to say I should not be held responsible for the fact that I may steal my hotel's yukata (the internet is my confessional).

signing off for now!!!

1 comment:

Alexander Butarbutar said...

Haha I'm definitely guilty of stealing one (or maybe two) myself :). Be sure to check out the Jangara Ramen shop next to the JR in Harajuku... Honto ni oishiiii !! Yummm !